Thursday, September 24, 2009


My belief on authenticity limits is that they aren't really different levels. Either you authentically enjoy teacher or you don't. And even more refined-either you enjoy the subject you teach, or you don't. Therefore, being authentic as an educator is just a manner of whether of not you are in the right field of work. I interviewed my elementary music ed teacher last semester and I learned a lot. But, the most powerful thing I took away from that interview was one mere statement that she made, she said, "You should only teach if you can't see yourself doing anything else with your life." Now that is why I believe it is black and white if teachers are authentic in their roles as the educator.
I also believe that their is a facade that teachers must put on, almost like acting, with their students. However, just because a teacher is covering up that they are having a rough day does not mean that they are not being authentic. I believe that as the leader of a classroom it is your job to let the education come first, no matter how you are feeling. Also, if you are showing your students that you aren't in control of yourself or your feelings, then they can not trust you to teach then to the best of your ability.
Students can tell if a teach is not authentic merely by how invested the teacher is in the curriculum of subject in general. Students are smart, they can tell when you are not interested or engaged in the material.
If a teacher is seen as inauthentic with their students, the students will be unmotivated. The students will act this way this way because the teacher is the main motivation for interest in the subject and if the teacher is not motivated, that tells the students that it isn't interesting enough to invest their time or thought into. Also, if a teacher is unmotivated, they may turn a child away from a subject that they are very talented in or that could be a potential career path. That is too strong a consequence for any teacher to be responsible for doing.
In conclusion, I believe that the best teachers are those who want to do solely that-to influence children in a positive way. In my opinion, that is where a teachers authenticity comes from. If you are only doing education because you can't do something else...don't. It is not fair to your students because you are not being authentic to yourself or them.

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